Clients We’ve Served
Architects/Engineers/Construction Firms
Atkin Olshin Lawson-Bell
BBB Architects
Bakker Lewis Architects
Banwell Architects
Berkshire Design
Bruner Cott Architects
Carlone Dick LaFleche
Champlin/Haupt Architects
Coldham and Hartman Architects
Denig Design
Design/Build Studio
Don Metz Architect
East Branch Studio
Garland Mill Timberframes
Goody Clancy
HMFH Architects
Hajian Architects
Holland & Foley Building Designers
Imai Keller Moore
Kate Warner Architect
Kohler & Lewis Engineers
Kraus Fitch Architects
Margo Jones Architects
Maryann Thompson Architects
Maugel Architects
Moore Rubel Yudell
New Frameworks
Paradigm Builders
Payette Associates
Richard Renner Architects
Sanford Strauss Architects
Christopher Smith Architect
Smith & Vansant Architects
Smith Alvarez Sienkiewycz
Solar Design Associates
South Mountain Company
Specht/Harpman Architects
Springpoint Design
Studio .625
TFH Architects
Tighe & Bond
Truex Cullins and Partners
Tsoi Kobus
Union Studio
Van Zelm Engineers
Walter Cudnohufsky Associates
William Maclay Architects and Planners
William McDonough & Partners
Colleges and Universities
Bates College
Brandeis University
College of the Atlantic
Dartmouth College
Hampshire College
Harvard University
Macalester College
Middlebury College
Oberlin College
Smith College
Tufts University
University of Cincinnati
University of New Hampshire
University of Vermont
Vermont Law School
Washington University
Williams College
World Learning
Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Non-profit Organizations
Appalachian Mountain Club
Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center
Efficiency Vermont
Environmental Building News
Harris Center for Conservation Education
Housing Vermont
Hubbard Brook Environmental Foundation
Island Housing Trust
Maine Organic Farmers and Gardener’s Association
Shelburne Farms
Society for Protection of NH Forests
Sustainability Institute
The Nature Conservancy
Upper Valley Land Trust
Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
Vipassana Meditation Center
Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head, Aquinnah
Woods Hole Research Center
Avon Old Farms
Bement School
Cambridge School of Weston
Martha’s Vineyard Charter School
Phillips Exeter Academy
Proctor Academy
Quabbin Regional Supervisory Union
Rivendell School District
White Mountain School
Williamstown Elementary School
Vermont Army National Guard
Cohousing/Affordable Housing
Alchemy Farm Cohousing
Cobb Hill Cohousing
Eliakim’s Way Island Housing Trust
Island Cohousing
Island Housing Trust
Eliakim's Way
Jenney Way
Scotts Grove
Southern Tier
401 State Road
Jenney Way Island Housing Trust
Kendal at Hanover
Mosaic Commons
New View Cohousing
Nubanusit Neighborhood and Farm
Pathways Cohousing
Pine Street Cohousing
Pioneer Valley Cohousing
Putney Commons
Residences at Melpet Farm
Rocky Hill Cohousing
Twin Pines Housing Trust
Badger Balm
Chapman Construction
Conservation Services Group (Energy Crafted Homes)
Fine Fettle
Hanover Consumer Co-op
Hawthorne Valley Farm Store
Main Street Landing
Martha’s Vineyard Bank
NRG Systems
Resource Systems Group
Santavicca Dental Clinic
Stonyfield Farms
Tom’s of Maine